Filling The God-Shaped Vacuum

Filling The God-Shaped Vacuum

“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made know through Jesus Christ.” – Blaise Pascal

God-Shaped Vacuum

Blaise Pascal, a mathematician and philosopher from the 1600s is often quoted as saying, “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every person which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator.”

However, somewhere along the way, it seems the institution of religion has largely failed the individual’s need. It has gone from being an honest pursuit of God to a systematic set of regulations, instructions, and dogma. It has not fulfilled its promises of purpose and hope. Religion has left its inventors feeling unsatisfied. See, The Vacuum In Our Hearts

In our pursuit of our individual development or goals, we often become more interested in doing than in being. We lose sight of our true purpose and latch onto the convenience of the commercialized virtues of our hedonistic society.

Flooded by Madison Avenue’s pervasive and invasive onslaught of advertisements designed to persuade us to choose one product or service over another because of its perceived aesthetic value, we often do exactly what the Apostle Paul warned us against; we become little children, tossed by the waves and blown around by every wind of teaching, by human cunning with cleverness in the techniques of deceit (Eph. 4:14).

Even worst than the seemingly endless methods employed in our indoctrination – television, radio, cable TV, Internet, Social Media, etc., is the feeling that somehow, even though we have a standard of living second to none, better healthcare, more material wealth, greater conveniences and the ability to almost instantaneously acquire information on almost any subject, we still feel empty.

We begin to question whether or not the choices we have made were in retrospect, for our betterment. We begin to realize that all the hours and all the work to gain promotions, to gain a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment tend to become hollow, especially when there is no one to share them with.


An empty feeling begins to well up in the pit of our stomachs and the things and experiences; even the people who we at one time found so satisfying suddenly seem unimportant and unfulfilling. We begin to perform a personal inventory. Am I having a midlife crisis? Am I experiencing depression? What’s happening to me? Nothing satisfies this aching in our soul. I call this the “God-Shaped Vacuum.”

Filling the Void

Let’s define vacuum as a state of emptiness, a void. The term void refers to a feeling of want or hollowness. Many fill this void with alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, or work. Unfortunately, this only leads to a cycle of addictive behavior and never addresses the real underlying issues.

Our shift from a God-centered universe to that of postmodernism facilitates the embrace of naturalism, cultural relativism, existentialism, and pluralism.

Somehow, we have become our own bottom line.

Rather than stretching ourselves to reach the bar, we simply lower it to accommodate our own selfish whims and desires.

It is this moral insanity that separates us from the source of fulfillment – God. The consequences of our insanity are that we are lost, separated from God, enslaved to debilitating habits, and helpless. But simply recognizing that we are spiritually void is not enough. There must be some action on our part to confront the truth about self and move toward change.

The Bible calls this process repentance. It is the turning away from sin and turning toward God. It is not just being sorrowful or remorseful. It involves a complete change of heart & mind.

Change is not change until it’s change.

Many of us are like the woman Jesus encounters at the well in Sychar (see John 4). Like her, we have serious issues and we’ve insulated ourselves from reality. This woman sought to fill the vacuum in her life with “husbands.” At the time of her encounter with Jesus she had had five husbands and was currently living with a man that was not her husband. She was addicted to husbands.

When confronted by Jesus about her lifestyle she resorts to the superfluous conversation of the carnal. She does what many “believers” do; she attempts to deflect the conversation through religious rhetoric, to mask her carnality in culturally acceptable language; all the time knowing that she is empty.

Her lifestyle based on the narrative may have been the reason that she comes to draw water at Jacobs well, when according to Alfred Edersheim, “there was another well (the ‘Ain, ‘Askar), on the east side of the little town, and much nearer to Sychar than ‘Jacob’s Well’.” She avoids the other women of the village and any unpleasantness that might ensue. Deep down, she knew she was “off.”

Look at your own life. Do you make detours to avoid family members, friends, or business associates for fear of judgment, ridicule, or confrontation because of your lifestyle choices?

Challenged To Change

Jesus’ encounter with this woman at the well was not an accident. He purposed to be there, much to the surprise of his disciples. In fact, the scripture states, “He must needs  go through Samaria.”

Here is the key to change – A broken heart and a contrite spirit. When challenged by truth, this woman was broken. Through this divinely appointed meeting, she comes to understand that what she needs to satisfy her thirst is not husbands, but faith in Christ.

It is her realization of this truth, that Jesus as Messiah is the one who fills the vacuum in our lives.

What is Christian Ministry?

What is Christian Ministry?

The term “Christian ministry” often recalls an image of the television Evangelist, the exalted pulpiteer, or the thought of a “Billy Graham” style crusade. Simply put, Christian ministry can be described as the general service of a servant of the Lord. The Greek term “diakonia” or minister is used three to one in this sense in the New Testament.

Christian ministry is “the practical outpouring of our faith in Christ.” Ministry is not our being exalted because of gifts or position in our local assembly, nor does it promote separation, but it builds unity.

Christian Ministry

The Great Commission Guides Ministry

Every Christian has been commanded and empowered to fulfill the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ as found in Matthew 28:16 and Mark 16:15. We are to make disciples – as we go, as we preach, and as we teach. As we share our faith in Christ, there should be a life-changing influence on those we minister to. This ministry experience is essential to our maturity as believers. Through ministry, we become intimate with Christ. This personal relationship is realized as we begin to imitate the Master. We also gain perspective regarding our own walk.

Ministry increases the opportunity for Christian fellowship and produces in us a servant’s heart. Often through our involvement with other people, our own hearts are broken; much like the heart of Christ as he wept over Jerusalem. It is through this experience of ministering to others that our ministry potential is unleashed by the power of the Holy Spirit.

It is God Who Motivates Ministry

It is important to recognize that our motivation for ministry comes from God (Phil. 2:13). He provides not only the opportunity but also gives us the faith to trust Him for results. The Apostle Paul noted, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth” (1 Cor. 3:6). We have been saved to save others. God has allotted each of us time and authority as stewards over ministry. We draw upon our talents and resources – God given material, training and most importantly, the Holy Spirit. The doorway through which we access God’s power is that of prayer. Prayer is personal communication between God and us.

Many in the body of Christ have strayed from the biblical model of ministry. Christian ministry should be the natural extension of our love for Christ. Our dependence on the professional clergy person, our feelings of inadequacy and our personal insecurities are all indicative of the growing dependence on self and the lack of reliance on the Holy Spirit and God’s word, the Holy Bible.

As a believer, I encourage you to contemplate your own commitment to ministry. Are you involved in a ministry? If not, now is an excellent time to recommit your talent, your time and your finances to this ministry, New Beginnings Worship Center.

We are looking for committed people. What do I mean? Commit three hours each week to this ministry. One hour to instruction in Sunday school, one hour to the Sunday Worship experience, and one hour to Prayer & Bible Study on Wednesday night.

I guarantee it will change your life and the lives of the people you associate with.